What to Eat After Wisdom Teeth Removal (Top 15 Soft Foods)
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What to Eat After Wisdom Teeth Removal (Top 15 Soft Foods)

Are you looking for what to eat after the removal of wisdom teeth?

Soft foods and chewy or hard foods are in while you recover from wisdom teeth removal.

Our dentists advise which foods to stock up on and which to avoid. You can also read our guide on Amazing Keto-Friendly Cornstarch Substitute For A Healthy Lifestyle

By the age of 12, the majority of baby teeth have been replaced by adult teeth. But some teeth have yet to appear: your wisdom teeth.

This name comes from the idea that these grow at a more mature age, usually between ages 17 and 21.

If wisdom teeth are impacted, it means they are not growing in the right position, or there is evidence of pain, infection, cysts, gum disease, or decay. Therefore, your dentist recommends surgery to remove your wisdom teeth.

After surgery, there would be some swelling and mild discomfort. Hence, you need to modify your diet to include foods that are not painful to chew.

However, pain and trismus (difficulty opening the mouth) occur in about 7% of people who are affected by chewing, swallowing, and food intake after wisdom tooth surgery.

How Long Won’t You Eat Before Wisdom Tooth Removal?

Your dentist or oral surgeon will give you pre-operative instructions. The guidelines state that you must avoid eating and drinking anything for 8 hours before surgery. However, it will depend on the type of anesthesia that they plan to use.

If your surgery is scheduled for the morning, the dentist or surgeon may advise you to refrain from eating or drinking after midnight. You must check with your dentist to know your specific guidelines.

Why Eat Soft, Healthy Foods After Wisdom Teeth Are Removed?

Although removing wisdom teeth is a common procedure, maintaining a healthy diet and following the instructions provided by your dentist are essential to healing.

Avoid infections or complications that can occur as a result of food or bacteria becoming trapped in the extraction area.

What Can I Eat After Wisdom Teeth Removal?

For Starting 3 to 5 Days

Usually, you want to stick to liquids and soft, mushy foods for 3 to 5 days, including:

  • Blended soups – easy to eat, rich in nutrients, and hydrating)
  • Broths are full of essential vitamins and minerals to help speedy recovery).
  • Yogurt.
  • Pudding.
  • Smoothies.
  • Potatoes (mashed, sweet, or regular).
  • Apple sauce.
  • Seedless, pureed fruit.
  • Pureed or mashed vegetables (carrots, squash).
  • Banana ice cream or regular ice cream.
  • Jell-O

Moreover, gradually turn to semi-soft foods such as:

  • Scrambled eggs.
  • Macaroni and cheese.
  • Instant oatmeal.
  • Toast

Remember to cool down any hot foods before eating, maintain the area clean per your dentist’s recommendations, and don’t forget to take prescriptions as directed.

Which Foods Should I Avoid?

For 1 Week or More

The extraction site will be tender and vulnerable to infection from the beginning few days. You must avoid foods that may irritate the area or lead to complications, such as:

  • Acidic, tough, or spicy foods (citrus juice, peppers).
  • Crumbly, crunchy or hard foods like pizza, jerky, popcorn, hamburgers, etc.
  • Grains (rice, quinoa).
  • Alcohol
  • Seeds

For 2 to 4 Weeks

These snack foods may be delicious. However, you should be careful enough and ban these items until you are fully recovered. These can become lodged in the wound and disrupt healing.

  • Chips
  • Popcorn
  • Nuts

What Happens if You Eat the Wrong Foods After Wisdom Teeth Removal?

Spicy foods stick in the socket and irritate the surgical wound, which causes pain and bleeding, and prolongs the healing process. You must stick with soft foods instead.

Furthermore, remember to avoid nuts and seeds as they get stuck in the sockets.

Other Helpful Routines

For 3 to 5 Days

Do not use a straw or spit for 3 to 5 days after surgery. These generate suction in your mouth, which increases the risk of developing a dry socket – a painful condition in which the clot that protects the area where your tooth was extracted becomes dislodged.

Hence, this causes your bones and nerves to air, which hampers healing and causes pain. You must avoid smoking for 5 days, as the nicotine in cigarettes prevents healing and prolongs recovery.

Additionally, avoid chewing tobacco for at least a week.

One Week After the Surgery

Now you can start rinsing your extraction sites on 7 days of your surgery with the help of a syringe provided by your dentist. You mustn’t rinse before this as you may also remove the healing blood clot.

When Can I Start Eating Normal Food After Wisdom Teeth Extraction?

Many patients resume a normal diet within a week after removing their wisdom teeth.

Maintaining a diet full of soft and healthy foods for recovery is difficult. As long as you stick to the right foods, you will recover soon, and it helps reduce your risk of infection.


Therefore, ensure you have enough soft and semi-soft foods in your fridge and pantry to last a few days. Smoothies can be made with yogurt, applesauce, potatoes, and other ingredients of your choice.

However, wisdom tooth surgery is usually low risk, but do call your dentist or oral surgeon if you have excessive bleeding, fever, or severe swelling that worsens after three days.

If you cannot chew after a few days, contact your provider. They will advise you best.

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